When you visit this website we collect web statistics concerning your visit, which are stored in a log file. These statistics do not contain personal information and are only used for statistical purposes to monitor usage patterns on our website and cannot be traced back to an individual.
When you complete on-line forms you may be asked to provide personal information, such as your name and address. When you provide information from which you can be personally identified this information is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998.
Under the Act, we have a legal duty to protect any information that we collect from you. We take measures to safeguard your data and apply security standards and controls to prevent any unauthorised access to it.
Where you complete online forms you should be informed of the purposes for which your personal data will be used and to whom it might be disclosed.
In general, information that you provide will be disclosed to the relevant section of the authority.
We will not sell information provided by you and will not use your information for marketing purposes without obtaining your consent.
sending spontaneous, voluntary and unequivocal, through e-mail, to the addresses or reported on the appropriate form on this site determines the subsequent acquisition of the address of the user, address, necessary for responding to requests, in addition to any other personal data included in the communication. Synthesis of specific information will eventually be visible in the pages of the site organized to demand services, such as signing up for newsletters, etc..
Apart from what has been described for navigation data, the user complete freedom can provide the personal data by sending mail to addresses Einteractive Solutions. on this web site, especially the page "Contact Us" to urge the sending of informative material or other communications. Their failure to supply may result in the inability to obtain the required user.
No users under the age of 18, without permission of the parents (or legal guardian) may send communications or information in this website; also can not make any purchases or other legal acts on this Site without such consent, unless this is permitted by the rules in force.
No personal user data is intentionally acquired from the site. No use is made of cookies for the transmission of information of personal nature, also are not used cd persistent cookies of any type (refers to systems for tracking users). The use of session cookies (cookies that are not stored permanently on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is extremely limited to sending session identifiers; the latter are formed by random numbers generated by the server and are necessary to enable the effective and safe reading of the site. The so-called session cookies used in this site avoid using other computer techniques that are potentially detrimental to the confidentiality of users' browsing and do not allow acquisition of personal identification data.